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DeltaPix inSight Software

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PLEASE NOTE: DeltaPix InSight is proprietary software, that only supports DeltaPix cameras and some third-party cameras, from Lumenera, Allied Vision and Artray

InSight microscope software

DeltaPix InSight V7.5.0 64bits

New 3D Topography UI in InSight

NEW in 7.5.0:

  • New system for handling settings on USB keys
  • Support for “Synchronized Delta-Movement” (SDM)- improved speed of 3D topography and Extended Focus
  • Support for Aerotec stages
  • Linear encoder added to ErgoFocusII
  • Autofocus with SDM for improved speed and accuracy.
  • Dark Mode support – now also applied to the Topography view.
  • Fixes issues in Counting
  • Fixes for Remove Form on large scans.
  • Fixes in profile calculations
  • Fixes for ruler and calibration. Now it is possible to use decimal points in calibration.
  • Fixes for realize of annotation
  • Many other optimizations and bug fixes to improve stability.

Support for new cameras

  • Integrated H4KAWSD08DPXII


DeltaPix InSight 7. X.X Compatibility and Support Information
DeltaPix InSight 7. X.X supports the following DeltaPix Microscope camera models:

Invenio EIV/ExIV series

Invenio 6EIII from 2017 and newer.

Invenio 12EIII

Invenio 10EII/20EIII

Cooled camera series






Allied Vision GOLDEYE

Allied Vision Goldeye G-030

Allied Vision GOLDEYE G-032

Allied Vision Goldeye-033 SWIR TEC1

Allied Vision Goldeye G-130

Allied Vision Mako G-040B

Allied Vision Alvium 1800 U-501c NIR

Allied Vision 1800 U-030 VSWIR

Allied Vision 1800 U-812 UV



Older Cameras
For cameras predating 2017, including the following models, InSight 6.9.14 is required(a link is included in the auto-generated email):

Invenio 5SIII
Invenio 10SIII
Invenio 2EIII
Invenio 6EIII
Infinity X32
Please note, InSight 6.9.14 is a discontinued version and will not receive new features or updates. It is maintained solely in maintenance mode.

Legacy Cameras
For support regarding legacy camera models listed below, please contact DeltaPix directly:

Infinity X
Invenio 3S
Invenio 5S
Invenio 1DII
Invenio 3DII
Invenio 5DII
Invenio 8DII
Invenio 3SII
Invenio 5SII
DP200 series.
Invenio 1D
Invenio 3D
Invenio 5D
For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out to DeltaPix customer support.